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Euphorbia milii

Crown of Thorns

Bloom Period: 

Late Winter to Early Fall


Bright Direct (High)


Let Soil Dry Out (Moderate Moisture)


Height 18 – 24”  Width 16 – 20”





Clusters of small, button-like flowers in shades of red, orange and yellow to pastel pinks, coral and cream are nestled among the full, shrubby foliage which can almost hide the vicious looking thorns along the silvery grey branches.

Virtually indestructible, Euphorbia plants are easy to care for on a warm, sunny windowsill and can be moved outside for the warm summer months. Make sure the pot drains completely after watering and allow it to dry out before watering again. When cut, all Euphorbia plants exude a caustic white latex which is a skin and eye irritant as well as poisonous, so use caution when pruning or cleaning.